Can I bring a dog or pet to the property I'd like to book/have booked?

To find out if a property welcomes dogs/pets, look at the Key info section on the property listing. It may say Pets welcome, No pets allowed or Some pets allowed - please contact the owner. If you can’t see this information, you can ask the owner by using the email contact form on the listing. 

What if I have already booked a property?

If you have already booked a property and want to know if you can take your dog or pet with you, contact the owner. It’s a good idea to tell them the type and size of the pet(s) you want to bring with you. 

How do I find pet friendly properties?

If you only want to view pet friendly vacation rentals, you can use our search filters to help. Start your search and then follow the steps below.
  • Look on the left hand side of the search results page and find Suitability.
  • Click Pets Allowed so a tick appears in the box. The page will automatically update and only show you properties which welcome pets. 
  • If you’d like to book a pet friendly property, contact the owner before booking to tell them about the pet(s) you will be bringing. Do this using the contact form on the listing. 
Alternatively, look at our ideas for pet friendly vacations.

See more 

How do I contact the property owner/manager?
How do I search for a vacation rental?
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